Snow start to new semester

snow woodhouse moor hyde park Students have been left with even more time on their hands than usual after scores of lectures were cancelled due to the snow.

Two days of heavy snowfall in and around Leeds forced the University to set up a ‘snow-feed’ on Twitter to notify students that their classes were no longer taking place.

However many students were left confused as news of lecture and tutorial cancellations failed to be tweeted in time.

Students took to social media to vent their frustrations after they trekked to lectures only to find them cancelled. Staff shortages are thought to have been the primary cause for the cancellations.

Snow also forced the libraries and the LUU Help Desk to close early.

One student tweeted: “Walked all the way to uni in the snow to find out that my lecture has been cancelled, happy and annoyed about this”.

Another wrote: “Walked half an hour in the ice and snow just to get to uni then find out that the only lecture of the day is cancelled”.

One student was dissatisfied with the university’s decision to postpone classes, writing: “The snow wasn’t even bad today.

Yet my criminal law lecture was cancelled”. With the weather predicted to improve, it is expected that lectures are to run as normal next week.

Words: Phil Mann
Photo: Leo Garbutt

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