Patience tested by exam failings

test papers


Chaos has disrupted the exam period, with students having to put up with missing questions and being given the wrong papers.

In December, second year Biochemistry students found themselves sitting an exam on topics not yet covered. They were then given an incorrect response paper for a multiple choice question exam.

This month, a Japanese exam was found to be missing a third of the assessment material, with an entire section of translation questions absent from the paper. According to students, invigilators spent an hour looking for the missing translation exercises, before declaring that students should simply translate the question headings that had been attached.

Students in the School of Design had been assured that their Marketing paper would include a question of Futurism, but found that it had been omitted.

Speaking to Leeds Student, third year Design student Nina Keshmiri criticised the University for “leaving people at a disadvantage.” “A lot of people revised that topic, only to find it wasn’t on the paper”.

The School of Design has now dismissed students’ lowest marked questions and replaced their mark with an average from across the paper. In an e-mail sent to students who sat the exam, the School admitted that they had made an “error”, and apologised “for any anxiety caused”.

The Union’s Education Officer Josh Smith conceded that “In an institution of Leeds’ size, the sheer numbers of students, modules and pieces of assessment means that while unfortunate, problems do occur.” “If students have experienced problems with their exams they should speak to their School or department in the first instance. If a problem remains unresolved then they can seek independent advice from the Student Advice Centre.”


Words: Max Bruges

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