Get Organised: how to have a sussed semester



  • figure out how each module is assessed at the very beginning and make notes of the key dates for essays, projects, reports and exams
  • pick essay questions early on and start planning to secure the books you need
  • for exams, decide how many topics to revise for, look at old past papers for ideas of what might come up, and collect up-to-date and modern examples to woo your examiners with



  • as loose or rigid as need be
  • include uni contact hours, appointments and personal commitments
  • pencil in your tutor’s office hours
  • allow a realistic amount of playtime, but schedule decent independent learning hours too
  • save a copy on your computer so you can update it weekly


  • skills@library offers several online guides and workshops in the library which are aimed at helping you build upon your study skills. They are entirely free so there’s no excuse not to! Visit for more information. (* Top Pick: Critical Thinking Workshop on 1st February)
  • the UniLeeds app: for easy access to your course or exam timetable, the library catalogue, campus map or computer cluster availability all on your phone. Despite a shaky start, it is now a must have for anyone marginally scatty. The MobileLearn app is also essential for access to the VLE



  • do you work best at home, a friend’s house, a cafe or the library? Close to deadlines, stick with what you know and try to avoid places you psychologically associate with leisure
  • a good night’s sleep will boost your productivity by a mile. Try and get tucked up by 12 on a school night, with 8 hours as a minimum


Words: Alice Wood

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