Cash strapped girls seek ‘Sugar Daddies’



A regular user of a “Sugar Daddy” dating website has spoken exclusively to Leeds Student about her experience.

Following the claim that almost 100 students at Leeds are signed up to, this paper got in touch with ex-Leeds student and “sugar baby”, Vicki. Vicki, 21, defended her use of the website, which has been set up to help wealthy older business people to meet younger, attractive partners. Vicki told this paper: “When I was seeing the last person I was with, they would give me gifts. If I needed anything I would say ‘Can I get this? Can I get that?’ and they would just put money into my account.”

The online dating site facilitates what it calls “mutually beneficial arrangements”.

The Sugar Baby lists information about herself, including her preferred monthly allowance and Sugar Daddies state their income. Arrangements are typically made between wealthy, male business executives and beautiful young women, the latter partner being spoiled with gifts, money and expensive dates.

The sites have proven especially popular among students in the U.S. and UK, as they often help them pay off expensive tuition fees. According to a survey conducted last year by the website, approximately 80% of all relationships enabled by the website involved sex. However, founder and CEO of the website, Brandon Wade, has rejected claims that this amounts to prostitution.

Sugar Baby Vicki, agrees with him. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it at all.” However, Vicki disclosed that she had received inappropriate messages from some of users. “I have had messages that are really upfront – people that just want to use you and give you money. Maybe some men do think it’s for that but I just completely ignore it.

“Vicki told Leeds Student that she would definitely recommend the site to other students. She said: “If you’re looking for a guy that’s well off then you’re going to find that guy some way or another, so you might as well just cut a bit of time out.”

Katie Siddall, the Union’s Welfare Officer, voiced her concerns about the trend: “The company have stated that the website encourages the growth of their student population, I find this disappointing to read. The business seems to be targeting and exploiting vulnerable students, some of whom are desperate.“ She continued: “If students find someone who they are happy to have sex with, then that is none of my business, however, I do not think anyone should be made to feel like they should have sex with someone in return for the money.”

A spokesperson from the website defended its alleged exploitation of younger people. “This is about women who are looking for a relationship with a wealthy man who has the means to spoil and support her. These are consenting adults who know what they want out of a relationship, and they come to our site to find that.”

Sophie Thompson, a second-year Philosophy and English student, said she was “shocked” on hearing that so many fellow students use the website. She told Leeds Student: “While the female members of the website may be consenting adults, I don’t know how anyone can deny that the young, vulnerable image exuded by the term ‘sugarbaby’ will be attracting a certain type of older male.”

Vicki, however, stressed that her “arrangements” with Sugar Daddies are “like a proper relationship”. “To me it’s just a dating site. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it at all.”

Words: Ellie Parkes
Image: Becki Bateman

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