Student hit by bus


A female student has been hit by a bus while crossing the road opposite the Parkinson building.

The incident happened on the evening of Friday November 23, as the woman attempted to walk across Woodhouse Lane from Blackwells Books to the University campus.

According to police reports, the woman stepped out from between two parked cars into the path of an oncoming First bus, and may not have seen the vehicle approaching.

The bus was coming to a halt to collect passengers when the woman was struck. The low speed of the vehicle meant that she was not seriously injured though an ambulance was called and witnesses state that the bus driver also received medical attention.

Initial reports suggest that the woman involved in the incident may have been an international student, and could have been unfamiliar with the direction of traffic flow.

Woodhouse Lane, the A-road that carries traffic from the city centre northwards, is described by the University as a “busy main road”, urging caution from students when crossing it.

Katie Siddall, the Union’s Welfare Officer, stated that she was “very saddened” to hear of the incident. “In such busy areas it is important that students be wary when crossing roads. However, at times no matter how careful we are there can be dangerous drivers on the roads.”

“If anyone has any concerns about incidents of dangerous driving then I would encourage them to either get in touch with the police or University security. I am thankful that we have a hospital so close by and wish the student all the best with her recovery.”

Words: Max Bruges

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