Leeds Ladies Longterm Leaders


Author: Frances Evans

Women’s Hockey Round-Up


So far this season we have seen some amazing wins and some hard fought losses. This Wednesday was no exception, with five out of six teams home at the Weetwood Fortress the club morale was at a high, the rain was coming down hard but that didn’t stop the girls from working hard to the final whistle, with the fourth and sixth team having their games cancelled due to water logged pitches, it left four other teams to fight for victory.


This season’s team have come up against some hard, skilful teams but that has not stopped them from holding their undefeated title. This Wednesday they played Newcastle 1sts. The game started fairly evenly but Leeds soon started to take control of the ball, with a great run from Rosie Tootell, resulting in the girls scoring the first goal of the game. Leeds continued to dominate and went into half time 4-0 up, with goals from Frankie Cox, Laura Pegram and Rachael Ellis.

Entering the second half the girls had maintained a strong lead and were in a good position, but this did not stop the girls from pushing for more, with another early goal from Emily Anderson in the second half, made sure of a convincing win for the 1st team. Man of the match was Kirsty Greaves who played superbly in midfield, providing endless options and chances for the girls.


The second team had a hard game ahead of them against Durham 3rds, a skilful team that played well together, after drawing with them earlier on in the season, it was still all to play for. Durham took an early goal with a short corner, however Leeds kept their head up and continued to play well, with a new arrival of Emma Gutteridge in midfield, the team was strong, but by half time Durham had gained another goal making it 2-0 to Durham at half time. Leeds came out hard in the second half, gained endless opportunities for the girls to turn the game over, but none of the shots were in Leeds favour. Leeds broke down Durham transfer but was not enough to stop Durham scoring a late third goal concealing their victory.


The 3rds played top of the league Newcastle 2nds this Wednesday in search of retaining their unbeaten record in BUCS series. The team met tough opposition and after taking an early 1-0 lead from a great goal from Sophie Seeley putting Leeds in a good position. However Newcastle came back hard, with two goals in the first half, leaving Leeds 2-1 down at half time, with a goal from Shelley Stromdale late in the second half it was back to a level playing field, but unfortunately after a dubious decision from the umpire resulting in a 4-2 loss, man of the match was Jenny Morris for another fantastic game in defence. 5ths lost against Sheffield 2nds, 3-0. However the score line did not reflect the team’s performance, with some great movement up front and some lovely skilful play by all the girls played hard to fight back. Susie played well, providing movement and working well with Georgie Bendle. Though there was a close call when Sophie Rooney was taken out by Sheffield’s goal keeper, but she soldiered on. Excellent play from the whole team and an undeserved loss.

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