Feature:: 6 Of The Worst Advert Cover Songs Ever

All thanks to the new advert culture of twee and all-too-emotional covers of classic songs, is advertising endangering our music knowledge? Are we soon to know songs by brand instead of band and disregard originals in favour of acoustic alternatives altogether?



 ‘Girls’ – Sugababes (Ernie K. Doe)

Sorry Men. Poor you, thanks to Boots’ never ending advertising soundtrack, it must be quite hard to remember that Christmas parties are in fact as much for you as they are for girls.






Gold’ – Natasha Young (Spandau Ballet)

Just as Olympic Fever was coming into full swing, so did the plethora of covers of this Spandau Ballet classic…






‘Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want’ – Slow Moving Millie (The Smiths)

Repeat offenders of the soppy-cover; John Lewis used this Slow Moving Millie cover of The Smiths’ classic in their 2011 advert campaign. Any trace of Morrisey’s haunting heartache is entirely lost through this filmic style dreariness.




Wherever You Will Go’ – Charlene Soraia (The Calling)

What is worse than an English singer with extremely faux-American dictation? No.. I’m not so sure either. If the one advertising stint of repeatedly hearing curd and wurd instead of could and would wasn’t quite enough to force you into a bitchy and spiteful tea-brand-swap, then the song’s inclusion on every possible ‘Keep Calm And…’ compilation CD will may prove the real motive behind the Twinings advert; ‘avoid our adverts at all cost, make tea instead…?’





Where Is My Mind’ – Guy Farley (Pixies)

The serene piano may have been perfectly reflective of the perfect holiday that Thompson were trying to promote, yet this Sunday Girl cover does far from live up to the original.





Here Comes The Sun’ – Gary Barlow (The Beatles)

A song not to be covered. Especially if you’re Gary Barlow






Words: Charlotte Stones

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