After their highly successful production of Sweeny Todd, Leeds Musical Theatre Society (MT) continues to combine comedy, horror and music in this semester’s performance of Little Shop of Horrors.
Set in the destitute slum ‘Skid Row’, Little Shop of Horrors tells the tale of nerdy Seymour trying to get the attention of attractive Audrey by raising a mysterious pot plant (subtlety named Audrey II) in the florist shop that they work in. The plant soon begins to gain notoriety for its odd looks and Seymour becomes a local celebrity. Unfortunately however, Audrey II feeds off human blood and Seymour must go to gruesome lengths to maintain his newly found success.
Though this all sounds a bit grotesque the production is genuinely light hearted as MT delivers an entertaining performance that is both funny and upbeat. The actors really show the eccentric characters’ quirks: Audrey (Ellie May Taylor) and Mr. Mushnik’s (Daniel Green) portrayals are particularly humorous and there is a definite satirical style of comedy in the show.
MT truly delivers a powerful performance, especially Audrey II who is very convincing as a singing, flesh eating plant!
There is also a great mix of 1960s style Motown and Rock music throughout; ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, ‘Da-Doo’ and ‘Dentist’ to just name a few. The cast really work well together and there are some very strong voices amongst them. Coupled with the catchy songs, MT truly delivers a powerful performance, especially Audrey II (Laurence Schuman) who is very convincing as a singing, flesh eating plant!
For those who have never seen Little Shop of Horrors before I would describe it as a mix between Sweeny Todd and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Though its bizarre style may not be for everyone MT gave a wonderful production that I definitely wouldn’t hesitate to see again. Although I may think twice about buying a pot plant!
Alessandra Green