Soc of the Week 23.11.12: East Asian Research

Presidents: Charlie Willan and Holly McKenzie

Membership: £6/year


Regular meetings: Pub socials on Tuesday nights at Strawbs bar; Afternoon tea Wednesdays 1-3pm; Language corner on Sundays

East Asian Research society, fondly known as EARS, is a departmental society which gives students in the East Asian Department and students with an interest in East Asia the opportunity to find like-minded people. Most members are students on Chinese language degrees or exchange students from China; but speakers of Korean, Thai, Japanese and English are equally welcome. This mix of languages is a bonus, especially on Sundays at the society’s Language Corner in the Hidden Café. There, members can practise their language skills or pick up a few words in a new language. It’s a relaxed environment to improve language skills with a cup of tea. If you feel like it you could also start a debate with other members or ask for help with some of your homework.

Socials similar to the Language Corner are held on Wednesdays in the East Asian Studies Common Room on the 4th floor of the Michael Sadler Building. Tea is served and biscuits or cakes are provided too. The President often bakes for the afternoon tea social, but you are free to bring something along yourself. This too makes the society a friendly place for all its members and it is very easy to meet new people, even if you cannot attend socials regularly. The same applies to ‘Beers with Ears’, the weekly pub social.

EARS also organises larger events, sometimes in collaboration with the Japanese Society, such as the annual Halloween party. The
society also organised a Language Partner Speed Dating event and went to Hyde Park at Bonfire night. There is also the upcoming
Christmas Ball and trips to local destinations.

On a regular basis the East Asian Research Society books a couple of Badminton courts at the Gryphon Sports Centre on Saturday afternoons and also does the same for Squash sessions. Members of all ability levels are welcome and it is always fun to play against each other as it is not competitive in a strict sense. EARS is also in the process of organising a team for netball and football , with training sessions once a week and providing opportunities to challenge other societies to a match.

Michelle Heinrich

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