Bring Your Own Blanket


The Union’s long awaited ‘Nap Space’ is being trialled from November 26 – 30 in Extras.

With 300 clubs and societies based in its walls and hundreds of people passing through every day, the Union is a place to touch base on campus – to eat, meet, greet, and now,  somewhere to sleep.

The proposal to have a Nap Space was put forward last year by politics student Tom Follett, in order to “improve the wellbeing of students, by preventing them feeling down and lacking energy.”

Students will be able to catch up on much needed sleep in this dimly lit haven. Inflatable mattresses, ear plugs, comfy sofa and bean bags will be provided by the Union. However, there is a BYOB policy – bring your own blanket!

The future of Nap Space rests (literally)  on the success of next week’s trial. If the students’ response to this initiative is positive, and the area is being utilised sufficiently, it is likely that Nap Space will return in the second semester.. Antony Haddley, the Union’s Affairs officer, commented:

“If it’s really loved, then who knows? It might even find a space when we redevelop the Union in the future”.

Haddley also told Leeds Student: “My gut feeling is that people will just use it to lounge about in between lectures, but that’s fine too!”

However, Joe Hurst, a third-year student, believes the Nap Space will be “dangerously distracting”. Nick Gandy, a second-year Philosophy student, objected to the Union spending money on this particular venture, saying: “If you want to go to sleep, go back to your bloody house!”

Words: Arabella Reeves

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