Leadership race 2013 kicks off


Nominations for who should lead our Union next year will open on November 19.

There are seven full-time, paid positions up for grabs in the leadership race – the six Executive Officers of the Union, and Editor of Leeds Student.

Students will be able to nominate themselves and submit their manifestos online from Monday. There will also be an option for them to nominate other students who they think would be good for particular roles.

Last year, 9,700 students voted in the race, a record for UK Universities. This year, the Union hopes that one in every three students will vote.

Union Affairs Officer, Antony Haddley told this paper: “I’d definitely encourage people to go for the Exec. You’re putting yourself in the public eye of the student body so you have to take everything that comes with that, but it’s definitely worth it. You’ll chat to loads of students and societies and the more you learn about the problems they face, the more motivated you feel to make Leeds as good as it deserves to be.”

Nominations will close at 4pm on February 1st. Online voting will be open from March 4-7, and the results will be announced on March 8.

Visit leedsuniversityunion.org.uk/leadluu for nominations and more information.

Words: Lucy Snow

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