Union prepares for national anti-cuts demo in London


Leeds University Union (LUU) is preparing for the NUS national demo this week.

The members of the Union’s Exec are encouraging students to get involved in the demo, which takes place on Wednesday  November 21, in Central London. The demo is a response to the effect of austerity measures on young people, students and individuals from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.

Antony Haddley, LUU’s Union Affairs Officer, stated that the main aims of the preparation meeting were to offer context for the demonstration and to attract the attention of students.

The last national student demonstrations were in protest against the introduction of £9,000 tuition fees in November and December 2010, which saw up to 50,000 students march on the streets of the capital.

The slogan for event is ‘Educate, Empower and Employ’ and is fronted by the organisation’s President, Liam Burns. In his announcement, Burns stressed the importance of understanding of the demonstration, saying, “Now is not the time to revert to talking only about tuition fees in Higher Education in England. From access to education to youth unemployment, getting on the housing ladders to the closure of local services.”

A second year English Language and Education student who attended the LUU meeting said that the rise in tuition fees was still her main reason for attending the demonstration.

Community Officer Ben Fisher said the target for attendance at the demonstration is 300, although he added that this is a “soft target” and “the more the better”.

The Union will be putting on coaches for students wanting to attend the demo at a cost of £5. For more information or to book a coach ticket, visit leedsuniversityunion.org.uk/demo

Words: Sean Hayes

Photo: Will Ridgard

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