Rampant Leeds Batter Bradford

Leeds 65-0 Bradford

The first match of the season for LUUWRUFC, while not a BUCs game, was one that had been held by the team as extremely important. After seven weeks of recruitment and training, the first match saw an unbelievable win of 65-0 against opposition Bradford.


With so many girls not only new to the team but new to the sport as well, yesterday’s development match was key for letting everyone get to grips with the game and their positions. The game saw great performances from both freshers and old girls, some of whom had never even touched a rugby ball before starting training at the beginning of the season.


However, despite this lack of experience it very quickly became apparent that the team has a very promising season ahead. The trys came rolling in right from the beginning of the game with Back of the Match Imogen Murray running great lines to break through the opposition’s defence. Jodie Cunningham, Player’s Player, set the backs with the new moves being executed while the forward pack held strong, winning scrums and contesting to keep and gain possession of the ball.


After keeping Bradford defending on their try line Philippa Atkins added to the score followed by Emma Bonnard and Alex Chamberlain both seeing the gaps in their defence to score yet more trys. The second half of the match continued in very much the same vein of the first. With continuous breaks through Bradford’s defensive lines, Jodie Cunningham maintained her pace scoring a try squarely under the posts. Newby Amy Wells particularly impressed after a fantastic run resulting in a try on the right wing of the pitch. Jess Michie also played well, especially in the last minutes of the game broke up the oppositions attacking line allowing their ball carrier to be tackled into touch and the match to end with an incredible score of 65-0 to Leeds.


A massive congratulations must be given to everyone who played, especially to try scorers, Jodie Cunningham, Alex Chamberlain, Emma Bonnard, Amy Gosney, Philippa Atkins, Amy Wells and Imogen Murray. It was evident from this match that while there is still a long way for the team to go, there is so much potential from all the players within the team that this game may well set a prece


Author: Amy Gosney and Jane Eckersley

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