Men Lacrosse’t the plot



After a convincing victory last week against Manchester Met, Uni were hoping to make amends from last month’s varsity fixture at an autumn hit Weetwood.

The Uni squad was severely hit by injuries prior to the match and lack of equipment.Uni nonetheless remained spirited and started well , winning the first face off.

Met however soon retrieved possession, directing a patient attack and an early save from Joseph Dickinson.
The Uni defence, although under persistent attacks, remained composed and communicated well ensuring Met had to work hard for any ground.
The defence finally fell as Met made a quick move catching the defence off guard. Although Uni responded with a good phase of passing they could not penetrate the resilient and organised Met defence.     At the ten minute mark, Uni led a fast attack with Tom Harrison, scoring and sending a shot to the net. Met responded with a swift attack down the middle, resulting in yet another great save by Joseph.
The last minutes of the first quarter saw the Uni team under a barrage of attacks with Met scoring three goals before the whistle.

The second quarter started off in a similar fashion,with Met charging and retaining possession.
Eight minutes into the second quarter and Met executed a text book attack manoeuvre, executing precision passing in the restraining box and neatly finishing with a goal.
The second quarter ended 10-1 Met. The third quarter saw Uni struggle with the game’s intensity. Met’s endless stream of substitutions were too much for the injury plagued Uni team.

Met unleashed several attacks with Uni unable to respond. Met  executed plays all across, keeping possession and forcing Uni to chase the ball. When a break occurred the Uni players were too tired to pose a serious offensive threat.
The final quarter saw Uni try and erase the 17 goal defecit retaining possession and playing composed and smart lacrosse.
Gary Wood, the captain, led the charge against Met, but again the opposing defence was too strong and too fast. Uni continued to attack; firing shots at the Met goal yet that final touch of quality was missing.

Uni remained determined throughout the quarter but their efforts were soon dashed when Met placed a fresh wave of substitutions late in the quarter with the match finishing 21-1 Met.
Despite the final score, Uni put in a spirited performance despite the circumstances and were resolute throughout.


Author: Joshua Jalal

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