Shoplifter caught red handed in Essentials

A student has been caught red handed stealing from Essentials.

The incident took place at the Union shop on Wednesday afternoon.    It is understood that a woman attempted to steal a small amount of make-up, however once challenged, she then paid for the items.

Antony Haddley, LUU’s Union Affairs Officer, told Leeds Student “It’s sad to hear that one of our students was caught stealing from their own Union shop. The Union’s policy is to prosecute anyone found to be committing theft anywhere on the premises.”

Haddley added: “If any student is having money trouble and feels that they need help managing their finances, then I’d urge them to contact the Student Advice Centre.”

According to the University’s general disciplinary regulations, if a student is prosecuted and found guilty of an offence, penalties imposed by the University can include a fine, formal warning or, in extreme circumstances, having their current registration status rescinded.

It is also understood that those caught shoplifting on the premises can be banned from the Union. A Union spokesperson told this paper that the outcome of this specific incident has yet to be decided.

Alan Cain, Head of University Security, told this paper: “We can confirm that an incident of shoplifting took place in Essentials. A female student was spoken to by Police and no further action was taken”.

He added that most shoplifting incidents in the Union are not committed by students, and that the majority of cases are undertaken by a small group of local people known to security.

Words: Ellie Parkes

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