Halloween Film Special | The Alternative List

So it is that time of year again, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, and all the other classic horror films come off the shelf, but maybe this year it is time to try something different and new, but none the less brilliant, by Emily Murray

Let the Right One In

This Swedish original of ‘Let Me In’ caused quite a stir in the film world and when you watch it you can see why. It is quite unsettling, but what makes it special is it’s best described as it is a heartfelt story of childhood and love, that happens to involve vampires !


If you want a horror-comedy that has nothing to do with Wright, Pegg and Frost then try this Norwegian take on the hand-held camera genre popularised by The Blair Witch Project. The director has taken this technique and revolutionised it in this funny and intriguing film.

Silence of the Lambs

A classic psychological thriller that is clever and scary. It is worth watching just to see Anthony Hopkins’ stunning yet creepy performance as Hannibal Lecter.


Perhaps the most original film of last year, you find yourself stuck in a box with Ryan Reynolds, at his best, for 90 minutes of real time. Full of tension and suspense, it is amazing how claustrophobic it can make you feel.

Cabin In The Woods

This film divided audiences and critics alike. Just as any classic horror movie, it is full of gore and scared teenagers; however it takes an unexpected turn, delving deep into the stereotypes of the horror genre, and pulls them apart.

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