Album Review // Tracey Thorn – Tinsel & Lights

As Christmas encroaches, out crawl the opportunistic money makers ready to flog Quality Street tins, roasted chestnuts and line our record stores with tasteless festive albums. Tracey Thorn, one half of Everything But The Girl unashamedly stated in January she was “jealous” of those writing seasonal albums and vowed to herself that in 2012 that she would join them with her 4th solo effort Tinsel & Lights.

The album chiefly consists of covers, although Thorn’s two original compositions, ‘Joy’ and ‘Tinsel & Lights’ would blend in unnoticed with any Christmas album, complete with romanticised, warming lyrics typical of any easy listening festive song. However, what sets Thorn apart is the Christmas songs she’s selected to cover. Judy Garland’s ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ is covered beautifully, tinged with violins and probably the only song on the record familiar to your Nan’s hearing aid. ‘In the Cold, Cold Night’ by the White Stripes is considerably more upbeat than the original, bought to life with drums over its bluesy riff, whilst Joni Mitchell’s ‘River’ is stripped down and decorated with a brass band while still being as brilliantly emotionally evocative as the original.

Overall, Tracey’s careful selection of lesser known songs makes for an enjoyable, untraditional listen that would not be unwelcomed by anyone during Christmas to provide the backdrop for Scrabble. If only everyone trod a path less travelled over Christmas, the commercial monstrosity it’s becoming would be a much more pleasurable place for us all.



Words: Dom Edge


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