Live Review // Hot Chip @ O2 Academy Leeds

Never a band to perform by halves, Hot Chip stormed the O2 stage in a flurry of strobes and a riot of sound. The band kicked off their no-holds-barred set with possibly three of their biggest hits in a row, including ‘And I Was A Boy From School’. The best part of any Hot Chip performance is how they somehow manage to make it feel like anything other than a gig, this night being no exception. Their flawless composition could compete with any house DJ, with the added bonus of a frontman with an exceptionally effortless vocal.

It seems that their days of being labelled “dads at a disco” aren’t too far behind them; however the emotive and untouchable sound begs to compete with their somewhat undesirable image. Playing a satisfying variety of songs from each of their four albums, Hot Chip then treated the audience to an ameliorated and beautiful rendition of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Everywhere’, which appeared to resonate with even the balcony ticket holders. The only qualm might be that, in parts of the wonderful set, some of the audience gave the impression of not being remotely interested. However, it’s needless to say, Hot Chip utterly killed Leeds with their cacophony of splendour: twice over.


Words: Katerina Lee


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