Comedy | David O'Doherty: Seize the David O'Doherty

4/5 stars

The name of David O’Doherty’s latest tour, ‘Seize the David O’Doherty’, is an apt title. The show reflects trials and tribulations life throws at us, as well as those perfect moments where everything works out. Starting with an amusing off-stage preamble about the show we were about to receive and the importance of switching off your phone, O’Doherty began the evening onstage with one of his trademark Yamaha keyboard songs. These interludes continued throughout the evening, including ‘Beefs 2012’ and his classic Shakira duet, as well as some new material, all riotously-received.

The core of the content revolved around O’Doherty’s break-up in late 2011. In his words, this show is about ‘crippling depression that ends with a murder’. It’s hard to say a great deal about the routine without spoiling the jokes, but highlights include reflections on ‘Cosmopolitan’s Best Ever Sex Tips for Women’, Domino’s pizza, and the story of Ringo the mouse. As an avid fan I recognised some of the material had already been used on television, but as this is often the case with comedy it’s hard to hold that against O’Doherty personally. At any rate, the show never drags and moves between anecdotes and songs seamlessly.

Incidentally, I was lucky enough to actually meet David for all of two seconds in the foyer where he was selling his CDs, and he signed my ticket to ‘Hannh’ (which he later apologised for on Twitter). It’s always a bonus to meet someone after enjoying their show, particularly as it doesn’t seem to be a regular occurrence in larger venues. Whether it’s that old Irish charm or his own easy-going nature, O’Doherty’s strikes you as a genuinely nice bloke, and he’s a delight to watch on stage.

Hannah Woodhead

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