Dance | The Lady Boys of Bangkok


3/5 stars

Millennium Square

Until October 27

Approaching the alluring lights and striking marquee in Millennium Square, we didn’t know what to expect from the Lady Boys of Bangkok. Expecting to have a cold night wearing coats in what appeared to be a circus tent, we were pleasantly surprised upon arrival.  Greeted by the smell of Satay chicken and animated staff, the atmosphere in the tent was electric!

The show consisted of a variety of acts ranging from sophisticated dance choreography to comedy duos, providing entertainment for every taste. But at times themes of a sexual nature lowered the tone, seeming more like an erotic pantomime than a cabaret show. Maybe not one to watch with your Grandparents!

Our personal highlights included a Thai Olly Murs and his comical rendition of Dance With Me Tonight, along with an extraordinary display by a male pole dancer. Every song was a party anthem which had the entire audience singing along. The performance was a visual feast with elaborate yet minimal costumes and beautiful performers. At times it was hard to know where to look…

As the show began, it was clear there was nowhere to hide from the provocative cast

Sat in a prime location right at the front, we were immediately aware of the stairs leading down from the stage. As the show began, it was clear there was nowhere to hide from the provocative cast. If you can’t handle the spotlight, this is not the show for you. Prepare for maximum audience participation; expect awkward S&M demonstrations and seductive serenades to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Although this is not our usual idea of a good night out in Leeds, the evening was great fun and thoroughly entertaining. Getting off to a surreal start, (Thai Vera Duckworth impersonator) you soon find yourself mesmerised by the infectious enthusiasm of the Lady Boys. If you are feeling the winter blues, then this Thai extravaganza will certainly spice up your week!

Alice Dyson and Emma Crunden


For more information about the show, visit


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