Comment: Charlie Hopper on Black History Month

Black History Month

Following our coverage of the United Nations Association’s ‘Who’s In, Who’s Out’ debate to mark Black History Month, Leeds Student spoke to Charlie Hopper, LUU’s Equality and Diversity Officer, about the importance of events at the university:

As a society we don’t often talk about Race. When conversation turns to race, racism or racial difference it can make many feel uncomfortable. Why? Maybe because the guilt of an ugly British colonial history still lingers. Maybe because we know there is still gross racial inequality in our world – not only between the developed nations and the global south, but in the UK today, where poverty, unemployment and incarceration disproportionately affects our Black and Asian citizens and communities.

Our education system is far from perfect. Although Universities like Leeds do aim to widen participation, it’s no secret that London Met has more black and ethnic minority students than all the Russell Group put together.

Celebrating Black history month at Leeds University Union means putting race on the table. It’s about students no matter what their race, debating and celebrating race and racial diversity. We can challenge our white Eurocentric history books that are that speak little of other racial or global perspectives, and a curriculum that barely gives mention to the non-white founding civilisations and people of this world. At same time we celebrate diversity of cultures, languages and nationalities within the student body.

If you’re passionate about anything that’s been mentioned here, and you want to shape the plans for Black History Month 2013 please get in touch with me at by Friday 26th October.

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