Review: Mono_Cult w/ Sven Weisemann & Lawrence


Sven Weisemann, Lawrence
Full Circle
Saturday 13th October 

Considering the many clubs in Leeds city centre, any venues outside the condensed heart of the clubbing world could find it hard to break into the scene, or attract students who are drawn to the drink offers and bright lights that they know so well. Yet it seems that clubs further afield, from the Musiquarium to Beaverworks and since March 2011, Full Circle, are aware of this and strive to innovate and carve their own niche in the landscape, and bring something a bit special to clubbers.

Full Circle is certainly aiming to bring something new, describing themselves as a ‘multifaceted creative hub’. Having the only boy’s toilets located in Portaloos across a freezing courtyard was hardly inspiring, but the comfy balcony with about a million sofas, a deli-counter style bar and a generally friendly vibe definitely made the venue a new favourite.

As Mono_Cult has held nights at Full Circle since at least November of last year, regular attendees would have found these features familiar, and Full Circle really felt like home for the night, with their logos all over the place, including behind the bar in neon light form. Building a connection with a night is another great way to lure students out of the town centre, and this connection was reflected in the positive atmosphere, with chatting so loud it could be heard throughout the night even in the middle of the dance floor.

That said, there was plenty of focus on the music, and the sound system was above adequate. Though there was no setlist, the DJs delivered great sets, with great energy given and received back by all of them, though none more so than Sven Weisemann and his continuous tweaking at the decks. In contrast to his productions, which focus heavily on chilled deep house, the music he played out on the night was high in energy and was definitely more suited to the atmosphere, though die-hard fans may have been disappointed not to hear more of his own productions. Nonetheless, his set was definitely the highlight of the night, and based on the tunes, the energy, the people and the venue, this Mono_Cult night comes highly recommended.

words: Adam Chester
photo: Ian G. Ramsey

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