It's high time Sport confronted its biggest taboo

Some individuals are truly bred for the cause, to be different, chosen champions that are placed on this planet to be extraordinary.  Some of those very same people that are born destined to be immortalized and also happen to be  gay but the chances are that you will never know it.
Homosexuality’s reputation in sport comes with a great degree of misplaced stigma and disrespect.  So why does it still  hit such a raw nerve within the world of sport in our supposedly liberal society?
While the world of sport has quickly become stylish, lavish and state-of-the-art, the attitudes that surround the majority of the male-dominated sports have languished and fallen far behind the modern era.
In no other vocation would a person have to declare or justify their sexuality. But in the male dominated world of boxing, fuelled with high levels of testosterone and pride, the mere notion that a man that laces up the gloves is gay could instantly bring his masculinity into question, leading to a perception that he is a less worthy competitor.
Puerto Rican native, and featherweight boxer Orlando Cruz has broken the mould and become the first active fighter in the sport to reveal that he is gay.
There has only ever been a small number of high profile openly gay homosexuals to ‘come out’ to the media during their careers, with the late Justin Fashanu as the very first professional footballer to be open about his sexuality and rugby international Gareth Thomas, the first man in his sport to do the same.
So why are sportspeople afraid to make their sexuality public? Could stereotypes play a large part in the hesitation to be totally open, or perhaps it’s fear of the backlash and repercussions with fans or fellow teammates?
Being ostracised for what is  such a key part of your identity unquestionably hurts these athletes. This begs the question, is there peer pressure behind their discretions that prevents them from embracing who they are, in and out of the spotlight?
Time will tell if Cruz’ decision to be open about his sexual orientation will inspire other gay and lesbian sport stars to come out, or whether it will momentarily gain the attention of the sporting world before it slips back into its old ways.

Author: Ryan Mawson

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