Cheap but Classy Cocktails for the Clueless

Whoever dared to stereotype students as a bunch of Strongbow guzzling scallywags is about to eat their hat. Elegance, style and most importantly the disguise of paint-stripper aftertaste can all be achieved on a shoestring budget thanks to the week’s worth of recipes that Leeds Student has kindly bestowed on you. Either stir in a glass, or shake in a jam jar and don’t forget the ice! If in doubt sugar + lime (cordial) + spirit is a good go-to recipe, but if you fancy being a fancy-pants look no further…


woo woo

a basic classic to accompany some classic basic conversation as you get to know your neighbour

  • 1 part vodka,
  • 2 parts peach schnapps,
  • a squeeze of lime and fill with cranberry juice



fresh as a daisy

step up your skills by sugar frosting the glass- rub a lime around the rim before dipping it in sugar or salt

  • a few capfuls of gin,
  • fill with grapefruit juice and a lime wedge



perfect for the galdem or boys secure in their sexuality, this will turn your tongue a lurid pink and your world into a bubbly blur…best drunk with a Cyndi Lauper soundtrack (tastes like Cherry Tangfastic Haribo)

  • 2 parts Frosty Jack cider,
  • 3 parts Cherry Lambrini


yorkshire dales donkey

a Northern version of the Moscow Mule; the ginger beer should soothe your stomach at this tender midweek stage

  • a few capfuls of vodka,
  • a dash of lime cordial,
  • top with ginger beer and lime rind


berock around the clock

you’ll certainly need perking up by this stage; no-one said it’d be easy, partying takes perseverance. Berocca is a magic hangover cure, so why not try it as a high vitamin, effervescent mixer? It has the added fun side effect of making your pee glow, and which cocktail connoisseur wouldn’t want that?

  •  Berocca tablet in bottom of glass,
  • add a few capfuls of vodka,
  • top with lemonade and a slice of orange


strike out!

This will need a little bit of forward planning, but nothing you won’t be able to manage, even during a perpetual hangover. Separate some Skittles by colour, put them in the bottom of an empty water bottle, fill half way with vodka, shake and leave to chill. The vodka should turn that colour of the rainbow and will taste great with lemonade


shake don’t break

ideal for when your body crying out for nutrition and perfect preparation for Fruity, this adaptation of the daiquiri is the healthiest of cocktails! Blenders at the ready…

  • a few capfuls of rum,
  • one tin of pineapple chunks in syrup,
  • a splash of orange juice, squeeze of lime and crushed ice, all in the blender


mrs. robinson

with funds dwindling already, this is the EasyJet of drinks – no frills but will get the job done. Since it doesn’t quite have the same sparkle as a normal cocktail, stick a little umbrella in.

  • double strength, and a double quantity of squash,
  • then gin/vodka and water







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