Fresh Meat

Freshers, ah Freshers. Only a year since I arrived in Leeds as a Fresher myself and I smile at how naïve I was back then. Attempt the mighty feat, if you dare, not to become a walking cliché of a first year, but it will be impossible, I promise you.  There are always a number of notable identifiers of Freshers at Leeds Uni.

1.) Freshers, despite a keenness to become the coolest of cats, are always observed in the naffest clubs of Leeds, easily seduced by enthusiastic promo workers.  Now I don’t want to be sued for slander, so I won’t say where they are, but you’ll find out for yourselves, and I’m afraid you might have to learn the hard way. Some might say it’s possible have a good time anywhere if you’re completely blottoed, but drinking to blot out the irritation of a weird venue will only get you stressy as well as messy.

2.) All Freshers will join a colossal amount of societies, only to find that they can’t squeeze in Quidditch practices and Windsurfing society with their demanding schedule of partying, boozing and possibly the occasional lecture. Don’t be surprised when you have to forgo some of your commitments, when the only real commitment you intend on stick to is 2 for 1 shots atMissionon Thursdays.

Finally, all Freshers believe that they’re invincible as far as hardcore partying is concerned. And yes, for a while, you are. But then, they’ll be the A&E trip, the projectile vomiting or the embarrassing youtube vid of you wasted that’ll make you realise that you’re not a superhuman, you’re a student… and that’s far cooler. If that description was too patronising, I implore you to forgive my preconceptions about you, which are in fact coloured by my crippling jealousy about no longer being a Fresher and having the freedom that Freshers have. Being able to go out and enjoy yourself… safe in the knowledge that the ‘work’ (pfft) that you do won’t even count towards your degree! Woah, you’re so lucky. Go on, shoo, enjoy Freshers Week, become that clichéd first year and I promise you it’ll be the best year of your life (but I won’t buy you a drink if it isn’t).

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