Students urged to stay safe after attack outside Dry Dock

A third year Biochemistry student has been attacked and robbed on his way home from a night out.

Callum Sharp was walking along Woodhouse Lane when he was confronted by a large group of youths at approximately 1:30am.

Callum, a third year Biochemistry student, told Leeds Students about what happened:

“Out of the corner of my eye I could see a rather suspicious group of lads fast approaching me, and so made a run for it. Seconds later, they caught me, threw me to the ground and started kicking me in the head and all over my body until I handed over my phone and wallet.”

Mr Sharp was rushed to A&E and treated for cuts and bruises.

Five males aged 16 to 23 have been arrested in connection with the incident but have since been released on bail pending further enquiries.

Speaking to Leeds Student a West Yorkshire Police spokesman reassured students that the attack appears to be random and the student was not specifically targeted.

Operation Walksafe launches next week with additional high visibility officers and volunteers from the community patrolling the streets. Officers are also working with door staff in the city and around campus to ensure that students get home safely, particularly with Freshers arriving.

Katie Siddall, Leeds University Unions Welfare Officer, told Leeds Student that they had steps in place to help support students:

“The Knowledge team based at the Union work to increase safety in Leeds, and we encourage students not to walk alone late at night to reduce the risk of being attacked.”

“We are also in the process of setting up a Victim Support group to support those who have been attacked, and the Nightbus service runs from the Union steps in term time and takes you straight to your door.”

The police urge anyone with information in relation to this incident contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


James Greenhalgh

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