With its outrageous gore, constant cursing, social criticism and naïve lost boy Hughie, Amazon’s ‘The Boys’ is everything Marvel wishes it was. At the forefront of this ambitious satire of superhero tropes, is its refusal […]

With its outrageous gore, constant cursing, social criticism and naïve lost boy Hughie, Amazon’s ‘The Boys’ is everything Marvel wishes it was. At the forefront of this ambitious satire of superhero tropes, is its refusal […]
Colin Farrell is the latest in the spate of actors slated to join the 2021 Matt Reeves adaption of The Batman. Speaking on a Television Critics Association panel, Reeves, noted for directing Cloverfield and the […]
With the release of ‘Justice League’, DC’s plan for an expansive cinematic universe has been set in motion. But how do their films compare to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and what makes them so different? […]
The Leeds Night Owls are your local student superheroes. Coming out in the darkest hours of the night; saving students; charging phones; the Night Owls are always on hand to keep you safe if you […]