It is fact that blood is always red so why do the veins transporting it appear blue? Within the body the varying tissue layers absorb light of different wavelengths. Only blue wavelengths reach venous blood […]
Science | What does Schrödinger’s Cat refer to?
Schrödinger’s Cat is a thought experiment used to highlight ambiguity in Quantum Physics. Simplified: A cat is placed in a closed box containing a vial of poison with a 50 per cent chance of breaking. […]
Science | What is the world's most dangerous animal?
In terms of damage infliction, the saltwater crocodile is extremely well equipped! As the largest species in the crocodilian family, an average male can reach up to 5m in length and 450kg in weight. Their […]
Science | How do didgeridoos produce their distinctive sound?
This term sees the beginning of ‘Science Shorts’, a series in which science questions will be answered in approximately 100 words. The first one, all in aid of Australia day, looks at how didgeridoos produce […]