Headingley Showdown sees Beckett re-gain Varsity title

Leeds Varsity 2019 was brought to a close with the traditional Rugby Union finale at Emerald Headingley Stadium. With the overall scores being well in Beckett’s favour, and the preceding Women’s Rugby Union match having been an absolute thriller in which Leeds University came out on top, the Varsity finale was a chance for the Gryphons to end the annual festival on a high.

The Rise, and Rise, of Rugby in Georgia

The list of countries where rugby is the national game is a vanishingly elite band. Most sports fans might reel off New Zealand, Wales, South Africa and at a push the Pacific Island nations. One that won’t be on the tip of most tongues is the former Soviet state of Georgia, who faced up against a much-fancied Wales outfit in their tournament opener. A slick first half from Warren Gatland’s men put the game beyond doubt, but an evenly fought second reflected the battling qualities of the Georgians.

Alan Wynning Jones

Image Credit [BBC] Eddie Jones was probably the only Jones in Cardiff unhappy with the 21-13 win to Wales in Round 3 of the the Six Nations. Touted by many as the “Grand Slam decider”, […]