Vangelis is something of an illustrious name in the modern annals of electronic composition. Many will recall his now iconic soundtrack to the 1980s classic sci-fi noir film Bladerunner, featuring Harrison Ford moodily tracking down and […]

Vangelis is something of an illustrious name in the modern annals of electronic composition. Many will recall his now iconic soundtrack to the 1980s classic sci-fi noir film Bladerunner, featuring Harrison Ford moodily tracking down and […]
Two weeks ago an amazing feat of space exploration took place. Comet 67P/Churyumar-Gerasimenko received its first visitor from earth, 514 million km away, in the shape of a washing machine sized lander called Philae. The […]
Humankind has made history as the Philae lander has separated from the Rosetta orbiter to becoming the first spacecraft to touch down on a comet. Comets have inspired wonder throughout human history, and some scientists believe that […]