The facts behind why locally sourced meat and dairy produce can’t be considered more sustainable than veganism.
How green are meat substitutes?
Catherine Upex looks at the statistics and investigates how environmentally friendly meat alternatives really are…
Squirrel Lasagne, Anyone?
Ivan Tisdall-Downes, a chef in London, has recently started serving squirrel lasagne at his Borough restaurant, Native. The dish has been met with a lot of intrigue and excitement, as people dining at the restaurant […]
‘Meat-tax?’ A Big Mis-Steak
New findings from researchers at the University of Oxford has sparked discussion on the imposition of a ‘meat-tax’ on red and processed meat products. The study revealed the potentially lifesaving effects that such a measure […]
Food | Gastronaut – The Pit, Harrogate
With laid back urban dining space, complete with table tennis and football, and an innovative take on American food, The Pit is the perfect student eatery. From the meatiest of burgers to fish finger sandwiches, […]
Blogs | Rating Oslo a 6.9 Out of 10
I’m coming to the end of my first semester here in Oslo, and therefore I feel obliged to offer a retrospective evaluation. I’d give it like a 6.9 out of 10. A somewhat low score, […]
Blogs | The Morality Of Eating Meat
Let’s face it, meat is delicious. Meat has been eaten by humans for thousands of years, and for good reason. It is a source of protein and fat, which our ancestors needed to stay alive. […]
What’s your beef?
How many times have we all heard the phrase ‘I’m so hungry I could eat a horse’? Recently this light-hearted comment has turned into a reality, with traces of horsemeat actually being found in […]