Saminda Sidhu explains the Sikh faith and the benefits of the society at LUU

Saminda Sidhu explains the Sikh faith and the benefits of the society at LUU
Tyler Denyer reviews the new and controversial documentary on Channel 4 that has had the whole country talking. With Halloween passing and cultural appropriation becoming a strong controversial topic again, Channel 4 have put […]
Integration is possible if we are willing to talk, share and celebrate each other’s festive moments, be it cultural, social or religious. The University of Leeds Sikh Society recently organised an incredible event, ‘Langar on […]
From the brightly lit festive streets to the self-service checkouts in Tesco (‘Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!’) and the constant stream of Christmas ads on TV to the soundtrack in the Hidden cafe, Christmas is […]
Are faith schools a much needed bastion of organised religion in an increasingly secular society, or a relic of a bygone and outdated religious one? There is hardly a more divisive issue: those ‘with a […]