All genders have breast tissue and all breast tissue has the possibility of becoming cancerous. So, getting into a monthly routine of checking your breasts is important for everyone; it could even save your life!
All genders have breast tissue and all breast tissue has the possibility of becoming cancerous. So, getting into a monthly routine of checking your breasts is important for everyone; it could even save your life!
Guys, gals, non-binary pals: Breast Cancer Awareness Month is upon us and, as part of the Leeds Uni Boob Team representing the charity CoppaFeel! on campus, I want to encourage everyone to make a boob-checking pledge this October.
Current research at the University of Leeds proves crucial… There is far more going on at the university than we, as students, get the chance to perceive on a daily basis. Outside the lecture theatres […]
Breast cancer charity CoppaFeel! is this week arriving in Leeds to promote their ‘CoppaFeel in the Shower’ campaign. Sponsored by, the campaign aims for self-checking to become part of every student’s daily routine. As […]