Classism and Edgy Leeds culture are undoubtedly entwined. The appropriation of the working class by southern, rich, middle class students founds Edgy Leeds culture.
Classism and Edgy Leeds culture are undoubtedly entwined. The appropriation of the working class by southern, rich, middle class students founds Edgy Leeds culture.
Leeds University Union have been plunged into controversy regarding their Halloween event, which, despite being marketed as ‘The Living Dead Festival’, was populated by decorations emblazoned with the phrase ‘Day of The Dead’. This has provoked […]
As fresh faced Southerners descend onto to Leeds filling their faces with Crispys, stare up at the Parkinson Building and soak in Northern culture, as well as the booze, they’ll have to attend a new […]
Where is the line drawn between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation in Marc Jacob’s and Ashish’s latest fashion shows? Marc Jacobs in New York: Appropriation The incorporation of a variety of cultural influences is something […]
As Black History Month comes to a close, The Gryphon discusses hair within the history of the Black community and speaks to community project, Crown Me Natural UK, about their work. If you picture the […]