The Rise, and Rise, of Rugby in Georgia

The list of countries where rugby is the national game is a vanishingly elite band. Most sports fans might reel off New Zealand, Wales, South Africa and at a push the Pacific Island nations. One that won’t be on the tip of most tongues is the former Soviet state of Georgia, who faced up against a much-fancied Wales outfit in their tournament opener. A slick first half from Warren Gatland’s men put the game beyond doubt, but an evenly fought second reflected the battling qualities of the Georgians.


The biggest story from Parliament before the summer recess was that Theresa May survived as Prime Minister. However, most agree that Mrs May cannot lead the party into the next election. Conservative MPs can trigger […]

Bayeux Tapest-oui

The Victorian historian Edward Freeman wrote that ‘history is past politics and politics present history’. Last week’s decision by Emanuel Macron to give Britain the Bayeux tapestry for the first time in its near 900 […]