From late September this year, until last week when Russia brokered a peace deal, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been at war. Contrary to what several headlines might claim, the victor of this conflict is not […]
Travel Beyond: Is SpaceX the boost we all need?
Four astronauts arrived at the International SPace Station in SpaceX’s Dragon capsule in the last few weeks. This is the first time ever that a private company has launched a crew. Prior to this, no […]
ENDSARS: Uniting Nigerian youth against corruption and violence
ENDSARS protests against police brutality and government corruption began in 2017. The use of the hashtag resurfaced on Twitter last month as Nigerian youth recounted personal anecdotes of the power abuse of the Special Anti-Robbery […]
End inhumane asylum evictions during the pandemic
Few sectors of society have been as badly impacted by COVID-19 as the homeless population. Rates of COVID-19 are higher amongst homeless people than in the general public, and they are also more likely to […]
We cannot rely on Biden to bail us out after Brexit
The advent of the new US President, Democrat Joe Biden, does little to aid the insecurities wrought by the potential of a no-deal Brexit. At best, we can hope that Biden’s influence may steer the […]
Sleeping rough: tackling homelessness in a pandemic
As the year slowly draws to an end, the havoc that the pandemic has wrought on almost all aspects of life only becomes clearer. Yet few have suffered as much as those who are sleeping […]
Will Trumpism outlive Trump?
Donald Trump is set to leave the White House following his defeat by Joe Biden in a historically significant election. Yet whilst Trump the man joins the invite-only club of one-term Presidents, Trumpism- the ideology […]
Combating climate change: the farming industry
Climate change is, and will be, the toughest challenge of our generation. In recent months, Coronavirus has taken centre stage on all media outlets and reports on global warming have been on the back burner. […]
Kim … there’s people that are dying
Kim Kardashian’s recent tweets about her birthday celebrations have unsurprisingly caused quite the social media storm. For the past eight months, it has been rare to see anyone celebrating their birthday without zoom or social […]
Africa’s Che Guevera: Thomas Sankara
Even if you hadn’t heard of Che Guevera, you would most certainly recognise his face. One of the most famous revolutionary figures in modern history, he inspired a generation with his fight against imperialism and […]
Poland’s regressive abortion law hits vulnerable women hardest
The 22nd of October was one of the worst days for Polish women in 2020. It was decided by Poland’s top court that the law allowing abortion of foetuses with congenital defects is unconstitutional. The […]
Reclaiming Being Single Will Help All in Second Lockdown
The announcement of a further lockdown has caused fierce political debate, gloomy economic forecasts, and it perhaps signals the final straw for the chances of us singletons getting into relationships this year. It is logical […]