Anorexia. Even now it’s hard for me to look at this word without wincing. Recent research has shown that over 1.6 million people in the UK suffer from an eating disorder. This is a monster […]

Anorexia. Even now it’s hard for me to look at this word without wincing. Recent research has shown that over 1.6 million people in the UK suffer from an eating disorder. This is a monster […]
Let’s be honest, we could probably all do with an extra serving (or three) of broccoli in our student lifestyles, but is the mantra of ‘eat your greens’, drilled into us from childhood, really the […]
If you’re growing tired of university deadlines and are already daydreaming about your summer travels, then look closely at the following recommendations. Let’s start with a classic interrailing destination: Budapest. It certainly satisfies the cliché […]
Luay Abdul-Ilah’s novel Divine Names is stylised as ‘a modern tale on the possibilities of being’. It is different from the types of works that usually grace our bookshelves because of its content, context, and […]
So you’ve signed for a house for next year. If you haven’t yet, don’t worry! There’s still time: you aren’t moving in until summer, remember! If you have, the hard part is over. You’ve successfully […]
Not Alone is a documentary directed by Jacqueline Monetta and Kiki Goshay that discusses depression in teenagers. After Monetta’s high school best friend committed suicide, she questioned whether she could have said or done anything […]
The day of love is nearly upon us and whether you love it or hate it, here are seven of Leeds’ coolest restaurants and bars to bring your other half or just hang out with […]
Valentines Day has arrived and you’re without a date? Stick Netflix on. How are you going to get through that annual slog of a day, the one consisting of vomit-inducing Facebook posts, happiness and love […]
Laziness, not unlike patience, is a virtue. Unfortunately, it is a virtue few can afford to possess as they progress through their time at university. The guilt that comes with the thought of not working […]
Lifestyle and Culture writer, Emma Prentice, shines a light on some of the foods we should be trying to eat to boost healthy living and power our brains for revision. Now that semester two is […]
Mill Street in Leeds City Centre is home to an unassuming restaurant that is sure to blow your mind, boasting intense flavours, reasonable pricing, craft beer and sustainable dishes. For veggies, vegans and meat eaters […]
We all hate getting out of bed in the morning. Take a look at these top tips to getting out of bed with ease feeling fresh. As we slowly inch into second semester, those 9am […]